Volunteer at Canterbury Charity Hospital
“What volunteers bring is the human touch, the individual, caring approach that no government program, however well-meaning and well-executed, can deliver.”
Edward James Olmos
Volunteer your time at the Charity Hospital
Over the years many doctors, nurses, dentists, health professionals and public-spirited people have volunteered their time and expertise to help make the charity hospital a success and enable us to provide our services for free.
The Canterbury Charity Hospital Trust is a unique organisation as we operate almost exclusively on the goodwill of volunteer staff. We could not function without the kind assistance of the many health professionals and members of the public give their time and services for free.
Depending on individual skills and talents, volunteers work various hours. These hours range from regular half-days and casual sessions, to a few hours every now and then.
We are always delighted to hear from medical specialists, anaesthetists, nurses, technicians and administration staff who would like to join our volunteer team. Please use the appropriate application form on this site.
If you would like to become a volunteer, please complete the appropriate application form and send it to:
Canterbury Charity Hospital Trust
PO Box 20409
Christchurch 8543
Or if you prefer you can scan and email the completed forms to:
Medical staff: averill@ccht.org.nz
Administration: reception@ccht.org.nz
Fundraising & marketing: rosie@ccht.org.nz