Who We Are
About the Canterbury Charity Hospital Trust
About the Trust
The hospital’s development so far…
In its short history the hospital has become well recognised for its services for many in the community who have few choices in seeking medical and surgical need. Our thanks go to the unsung heroes who enable us to provide these services including over 300 volunteer surgeons, dentists, nurses, administration staff and technicians, as well as a host of others.
2007 – Trust established
The Canterbury Charity Hospital Trust was established by the community, for the community in 2007. Over the years many doctors, nurses, dentists, health professionals and public-spirited people have volunteered their time and expertise to help make the charity hospital’s free services a success. Our patients come from throughout Canterbury and the South Island’s West Coast.
The Trust does not receive any Government funding and operates thanks to donations, grants and the generosity of the wider community.
2007 – Our first building
Our first hospital building was completed to provide a range of day surgery facilities and medical clinics. It was increased in size in 2015 when the recovery was doubled in size to accommodate more patients.
Due to the changing needs of the Canterbury community following the 2010/11 earthquakes, a new two storey building was added adjacent to the original villa. This created additional theatre space, an endoscopy unit, a dental unit, more consulting rooms and educational/research facilities (B2). As with building 1, this building also required an extension. This was completed in 2018.
Following the success of the dental service and expansion of the endoscopy unit a third building next door was extensively renovated to become a new oral surgery five years later. In addition to this a large community room was formed which is shared by other not for profit organisations. The middle building has also been altered and houses just the endoscopy unit with additional consulting rooms downstairs as the dental unit moved next door.
Most recently two properties bordering Leacroft Street and Harewood Road have been linked to the hospital to provide a new extended reception and administration area along with overnight facilities for visitors and improved staff areas.

Our Staff
The Charity Hospital’s clinical co-ordinators – Averill, Anita, Liz and Jane in the new reception area.
Our Trustees
The Canterbury Charity Hospital’s Trust is made up of chairman Philip Bagshaw and trustees Sue Bagshaw, Frank Kueppers, Richard Smith and Amanda Neil.
January 2025

Phil Bagshaw

Sue Bagshaw

Frank Kueppers

Richard Smith

Amanda Neil
Vision Statement
The Trust will provide specialist health care services to as many people in Canterbury as possible who have health care needs that they cannot access through the public health system and cannot afford private health care.
It will only address the unmet needs and not compete with either the public or private health care systems.
The Trust will be funded by charitable giving from the Canterbury and wider communities, and will continue only as long as that support is adequate to sustain it. It will neither accept funding from government sources, nor supply clinical services for financial gain.
All services will be provided by volunteers with the support of a minimal number of employees. The standard of health care will, in all instances, equal or exceed that expected of the public health system.
A utilitarian approach will be followed with services being provided to as many individuals as possible within the available resources (the greatest good for the greatest number). The services provided will change with time in an effort to keep in step with the changing unmet health care needs of the community.
The Trust will pursue sound, transparent financial practices, and exercise good stewardship of its resources.
It will always remain true to The Enduring Vision and keep faith with community supporters as a charity hospital, with the single purpose of serving the unmet health care needs of the community, have the word ‘Charity’ in the hospital name and be staffed by volunteers.
If adequate charitable giving is not sustained the hospital will close and The Trust will be wound up. It will never be turned into a business and depart from The Enduring Vision as has happened to other formerly charitable health care institutions.
There is a moral imperative and a professional responsibility to address the unmet health care needs in the community we have the honour to serve.
Philip Bagshaw
Chair, The Trust
22nd July 2010